SaaS Authorization
When Should You Choose SaaS?
If the app you want to move to the cloud does not already have a FedRAMP SaaS authorization, it may be slow and expensive to require one.
About FedRAMP SaaS Authorization:
A FedRAMP Authorization typically takes at least 1-2 years
Authorization typically costs the CSP $2-3 million up front and ~$1 million per year
The CSP may need you to be their sponsoring Agency, providing initial authorization and ongoing continuous monitoring review
Many CSPs underestimate the difficulty, cost, or time and fail in their attempt to become authorized
Questions to Consider:
Can you wait 1-2 years or more?
Who will bear the upfront and ongoing cost?
Is repeating that wait and that cost for every application acceptable?
App-Specific Controls
Examples of application-level controls not covered by the FPC PaaS:
Web application vulnerability scanning
Application patching
Monthly POA&M for the application
Annual app scanning and penetration testing by a certified 3PAO
But they are covered by Project Hosts above the PaaS
PH does all of the above for any app deployed for an Agency on the FPC
These are services done on your behalf over and above the PaaS
All you have to do is to verify that the app-specific controls are in place